
Kuala Lumpur High Court Suit No.: WA-22IP-94-12/2024 Between Ocado Innovation Limited And Pentamaster Corporation Berhad

BackJan 02, 2025
Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS

(Unless otherwise stated, the words and abbreviations used herein shall have the same meaning as those defined in the Announcement dated 30 December 2024)


Further to the announcement dated 30 December 2024, the Board of Directors of PCB wishes to furnish the following additional information:


1.    The circumstances or details of the event leading to the filing of the writ and statement of claim (“Suit”) by Ocado Innovation Limited.


Ocado Innovation Limited is a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ocado Group Plc.


The subject matter of the dispute against is in relation to the inventions in the field of warehouse automation and robotics owned by Ocado Innovation Limited (“Disputed Patents”).


Ocado Innovation Limited alleges that there was an infringement of those Disputed Patents which is comprised of a warehouse and robotics storage system (“Infringing System”), in which PCB has not done so and asserts that it has not engaged in any acts of infringement. PCB maintains that it has no involvement with the specific technologies or systems described in the claim.


PCB will take the necessary steps to make the application to strike out this claim against them.


2.    The particulars of claims/ allegations under the litigation, including the amount, interest rate and other relief sought (where applicable) initiated against PCB.


(a)    A declaration that the Disputed Patents have been infringed;


(b)    An injunction to restrain PCB (through respective directors, officers, agents, partners, representatives, or servants) or any of them otherwise howsoever from infringing the Disputed Patents through any actions involving the development, use, sale or facilitation of systems or products that infringe the Disputed Patents;


(c)    An order to deliver up to Ocado Innovation Limited, their solicitors or their authorised representatives for destruction or, at the option of Ocado Innovation Limited, the destruction of all Infringing System or which may infringe the Disputed Patents in the possession, power, custody or control of PCB, or of their respective agents, related companies, or contractors;


(d)    An order for PCB to affirm, file into Court and serve on Ocado Innovation Limited’s solicitors an affidavit stating compliance with the terms in paragraph (c) above within fourteen (14) days of the Court's order;


(e)    An inquiry as to damages or, at Ocado Innovation Limited’s option, an account of profits by PCB in respect of the lnfringing System and any other product and system that infringes the Disputed Patents or as otherwise claimed in the Disputed Patents and payment by PCB of all such sums as may be due upon the taking of such inquiry or account of such amount to Ocado Innovation Limited;


(f)    Interests from the date of the Writ until full settlement on all such amounts as may be ordered to be paid by PCB to Ocado Innovation Limited;


(g)    Costs; and


(h)    Such further or other Orders that may be just and proper by this Honourable Court.


This announcement is dated 2 January 2025.

Announcement Info

Stock Name PENTA
Date Announced 02 Jan 2025
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-02012025-00048