The Board of Directors of Pentamaster Corporation Berhad (“PMCB” or “the Company”) wishes to announce that its subsidiary company Pentamaster Instrumentation Sdn Bhd (“Plaintiff”) had on 27th January, 2016 via its solicitors served a writ of summons in respect of a civil suit (In the High Court of Kuala Lumpur Suit No. 22IP-65-11/2015) against QAV Technologies Sdn Bhd (Company No. 616788-U) (“Defendant”) for patent infringement by using a product and/or a process falling within the scope of protection of the Plaintiff’s Patents bearing the Patent No. MY-138949-A and Patent No. MY-151795-A.
The suit is not expected to have any operational impact on PMCB Group. Any financial impact on PMCB Group arising from the suit cannot be determined at this juncture.
Further announcements on developments on the suit will be made to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad in due course.
This announcement is dated 27th January, 2016.